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What can I write that would help you, the reader, understand my personality and how I am as a person?


Baseball has always been influential in my life, take my addiction to Dr. Pepper and BBQ sunflower seeds: my post game ritual.


I love sports, but baseball for more than just the sport. To this day, I get chills when walking out from the concourse and seeing the field, smelling the scent of the stadium, and hearing the music.


I embrace the saying "If you do what you love, you'll never work a day in your life." I never like being serious when I work because to me, it isn't fun. If you watch football like I do, you notice how a lot of players dance prior to each kickoff--that's the kind of guy I am. Always dancing, always moving, always staying light, and absolutely always having fun.




For the longest time, I wanted to be a sports broadcaster. My junior year of college, I had an internship with the Bowling Green Hot Rods. During that season, I helped create videos for in house and social media. That season was so impactful on me, that it made me realize that I wanted to make videos for a living. I know that as long as I have a chance to talk about and share my love and passion for sports with at least one person, wherever I am, I’ll be happy and blessed. 

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